“Image promises much but produces little. Integrity never disappoints.”

John C. Maxwell

“«El secreto de salir adelante es empezar. El secreto de empezar es desglosar las tareas complejas y abrumadoras en tareas pequeñas y fáciles de manejar, y luego empezar por la primera».”

John C. Maxwell


John C. Maxwell

“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge.”

John C. Maxwell

“The bottom line in managing your emotions is that you should put others – not yourself – first in how you handle and process them. Whether you delay or display your emotions should not be for your own gratification. You should ask yourself, What does the team need? Not, What will make me feel better?”

John C. Maxwell

“President Abraham Lincoln said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

John C. Maxwell

“If you pair excellence with humility, people not only won’t run over you, they will respect you.”

John C. Maxwell

“People tend to become what the most important people in their lives think they will become.”

John C. Maxwell

“Happiness simply cannot be relied upon as a measure of success.”

John C. Maxwell

“THE LAW OF COUNTABILITY Teammates Must Be Able to Count on Each Other When It Counts”

John C. Maxwell

“Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves—to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterday by our today.”

John C. Maxwell

“The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.”

John C. Maxwell

“Holding a grudge is never positive or appropriate.”

John C. Maxwell

“Laughing is the quickest way to get up and get going again when you’ve been knocked down. Failing Forward” 

John C. Maxwell

“A CHECKLIST FOR CHANGE Below are the questions you should review before attempting changes within an organization. When the questions can be answered with a yes, change tends to be easier. Questions that can only be answered with no (or maybe) usually indicate that change will be difficult. YES NO   ____ ____ Will this change benefit the followers? ____ ____ Is this change compatible with the purpose of the organization? ____ ____ Is this change specific and clear? ____ ____ Are the top 20 percent (the influencers) in favor of this change? ____ ____ Is it possible to test this change before making a total commitment to it? ____ ____ Are physical, financial, and human resources available to make this change? ____ ____ Is this change reversible? ____ ____ Is this change the next obvious step? ____ ____ Does this change have both short- and long-range benefits? ____ ____ Is the leadership capable of bringing about this change? ____ ____ Is the timing right?”

John C. Maxwell

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