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“Mucho de nuestro estrés se debe al deseo de control total. ¡La vida es una lucha, pero lo que muchas personas ignoran es que la nuestra, como la de Jacob, es en realidad una lucha con Dios! Queremos ser Dios, y de ninguna manera podremos ganar esa lucha. A.W. Tozer dijo: «Muchos aún están confusos, buscando; apenas hacen pequeños progresos porque todavía no se han rendido del todo. Todavía pretendemos dar órdenes y entrometernos en la obra de Dios en nosotros». No somos Dios, y nunca lo seremos. Somos seres humanos. Cuando pretendemos ser Dios acabamos pareciéndonos a Satanás, que pretendía eso mismo. Aceptamos nuestra humanidad con el intelecto, pero no con las emociones. Cuando nos enfrentamos a nuestras propias limitaciones, reaccionamos con irritación, enojo y resentimiento. Queremos ser más altos (o más bajos), más inteligentes, más fuertes, más talentosos, más hermosos y más ricos. Queremos tener de todo y hacer cualquier cosa, y nos disgustamos cuando eso no ocurre. Al darnos cuenta de que Dios dota a otros con las características que no tenemos, respondemos con envidia, celos y autocompasión.”
Rick Warren

“He did not say, “I will work there for a few months, and if I get no encouragement, I will quit and get a job somewhere else.” He did say, “I will start anywhere. I will do anything Edison tells me to do, but before I am through, I will be his associate.” He did not say, “I will keep my eyes open for another opportunity, in case I fail to get what I want in the Edison organization.” He said, “There is but one thing in this world that I am determined to have, and that is a business association with Thomas A. Edison. I will burn all bridges behind me, and stake my entire future on my ability to get what I want.” He left himself no possible way of retreat. He had to win or perish!”
Napoleon Hill

“If you know your own mind, you know enough to keep it always positive.”
Napoleon Hill

“Conventional wisdom would say that the less you give, the more you have. The converse is true. The more you give, the more you have.”
Jim Stovall

“Take things always by their smooth handle.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren’t so exciting.”
Bill Gates

“The cross was designed to defeat Satan, who by deception had obtained squatters’ rights to the title of the earth.”
Billy Graham

“Sometimes we are afraid because success puts pressure on us to continue to succeed.”
John C. Maxwell

“Those who are enjoying something, or suffering something, together, are companions. Those who enjoy or suffer one another, are not.”
C.S. Lewis

“Praying before you have an emergency is like putting money in the bank. If you have money set aside, then a car problem you were not expecting does not need to upset you. You have provided a way to continue living a simple, joy-filled life before you experienced a need. Start today getting some prayers in reserve. Fill up your prayer tank and you will avoid constantly living in crisis mode.”
Joyce Meyer

“The only way to overcome your fears is to "do the thing you fear," as Emerson wrote, "and the death of fear is certain.”
Brian Tracy

“And when you come to the point that you look in the face of every man and see deep down within him what religion calls "the image of God," you begin to love him in spite of. No matter what he does, you see God’s image there. There is an element of goodness that he can never sluff off. Discover the element of good in your enemy. And as you seek to hate him, find the center of goodness and place your attention there and you will take a new attitude. Another way that you love your enemy is this: When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it. There will come a time, in many instances, when the person who hates you most, the person who has misused you most, the person who has gossiped about you most, the person who has spread false rumors about you most, there will come a time when you will have an opportunity to defeat that person. It might be in terms of a recommendation for a job; it might be in terms of helping that person to make some move in life. That’s the time you must do it. That is the meaning of love. In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It’s not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system.”
Martin Luther King Jr

Being Set at meat Scratch not, neither Spit, Cough, or blow your Nose except there's a Necessity for it.”
George Washington

“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
Thomas Jefferson

“God never directs in a way contrary to His character. When the Scriptures tell us that He will direct our paths, we can be assured that when He is in control, no matter how thorny the path, He will not tell us to jump off a cliff.”
Billy Graham

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