“In that moment, something stirred deep inside all of us, something strong and intimate, that bound us to one another. In that moment we felt the hand of the great past that made us what we were and the power of the great cause that linked us all together.”
“If you want to go to a place you have never been before, you have to ask questions you have never asked before. Don't feel shy to ask questions about things you don't know!”
“When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in Harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance, becomes available to every individual brain in the group.”
“El porqué de todo Porque de Él, por Él y para Él son todas las cosas. A Él sea la gloria para siempre. ROMANOS 11:36 (LBLA) Toda obra del SEñOR tiene un propósito. PROVERBIOS 16:4 (NVI) TODO ES PARA él. El objetivo final del universo es mostrar la gloria de Dios. La gloria de Dios es el porqué de la existencia de todo, incluida tu persona. Dios hizo todo para su gloria. Sin la gloria de Dios, no habría nada.”
“Before you accomplish your dreams physically, your inner make up, mindset, emotions and perception have fought the battle mentally and that already determined how the battle will be fought physically.”
“Don't be scared by the word authority. Believing things on authority only means believing them because you've been told them by someone you think trustworthy. Ninety-nine per cent of the things you believe are believed on authority. I believe there is such a place as New York. I haven't seen it myself. I couldn't prove by abstract reasoning that there must be such a place. I believe it because reliable people have told me so. The ordinary man believes in the Solar System, atoms, evolution, and the circulation of the blood on authority -because the scientists say so. Every historical statement in the world is believed on authority. None of us has seen the Norman Conquest or the defeat of the Armada. None of us could prove them by pure logic as you prove a thing in mathematics. We believe them simply because people who did see them have left writings that tell us about them: in fact, on authority. A man who jibbed at authority in other things as some people do in religion would have to be content to know nothing all his life.”
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