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“I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.”
Nelson Mandela

“service can have no meaning unless one takes pleasure in it. When it is done for show or for fear of public opinion, it stunts the man and crushes his spirit. Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the servant nor the served.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“Millions of professing Christians are only just that—“professing.” They have never possessed Christ. They live lives characterized by the flesh.”
Billy Graham

“Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it. Actually this quote doesn't sound like C.S. Lewis at all. Can anyone provide a source?”
C.S. Lewis

“The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win, and their participants know it.”
Martin Luther King Jr

“You don't drown by falling in water; you only drown if you stay there
Zig Ziglar

“Slow Is Good Understand [this], my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry. For man’s anger does not promote the righteousness God [wishes and requires]. JAMES 1:19–20 In these verses, God is telling us to listen more than we talk. Think about it: If God wanted us to be quick to speak and slow to listen, He would have created us with two mouths and only one ear! God is also telling us not to easily get offended or angry. If you have a quick, bad temper, start listening more and talking less. Slow is good. Read everything you can get your hands on about managing anger. Repeat over and over in your mind: I am quick to listen and slow to speak, slow to anger, and quick to forgive. Trust God to help you manage the feelings of anger. It is vitally necessary for you to be able to control this emotion if you want to enjoy the life God has in mind for you. Power Thought: I am quick to listen and slow to speak, slow to anger and quick to forgive.”
Joyce Meyer

“The world will be a better place when everyone becomes a leader; when everyone finds what he/she was sent to do and does it like no other man’s business.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“we cannot allow past circumstances to abort future opportunity. If you have experienced loss in your life, God has a way of restoring things you thought you would never see again.”
T.D. Jakes

“But neither of them dared speak of it, and not having expressed the one thing that occupied their thoughts, whatever they said rang false.”
Leo Tolstoy

“In matters of principal stand like a rock.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Am I to understand,' said Reepicheep to Lucy after a long stare at Eustace, 'That this singularly discourteous person is under your Majesty's protection? Because, if not--”
C.S. Lewis

“True love is an act of the will—a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.”
Billy Graham

“My words are life unto those that find them, and my words are health, or medicine, to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:20–22).” 
Kenneth E. Hagin

“and decide you really do want a hot fudge sundae! Go ahead and eat it. It is continual excess that causes trouble—not occasional liberties. God created a wide variety of foods for us to eat. Every good food God made, you can eat.”
Joyce Meyer

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