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“Isn’t it odd how we misunderstand the hidden unity of kindness and cruelty?” Jessica”
Frank Herbert

“What is conservatism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?”
Abraham Lincoln

“Faith is the head chemist of the mind.”
Napoleon Hill

“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“If any man ceases to attack me, I never remember the past against him.”
Abraham Lincoln

“We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house. I'm afraid that America may be losing what moral vision she may have had …. And I'm afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised. Until we commit ourselves to ensuring that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears at the soul of this nation.”
Martin Luther King Jr

“Someone has said, “Prayer is the highest use to which speech can be put.”
Billy Graham

“Many people are driven by the need for approval. They allow the expectations of parents or spouses or children or teachers or friends to control their lives. Many adults are still trying to earn the approval of unpleasable parents. Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried by what others might think. Unfortunately, those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.”
Rick Warren

“And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even His life to love us. So, the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts.”
Mother Teresa

“If there is one principle more deeply rooted in the mind of every American, it is that we should have nothing to do with conquest.”
Thomas Jefferson

“If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” 
Thomas Jefferson

“I know that the response of the powerful to this disorder—alternating as it does between a dull complacency and, when the disorder spills out of its proscribed confines, a steady, unthinking application of force, of longer prison sentences and more sophisticated military hardware—is inadequate to the task.”
Barack Obama

“The culture in which we live stresses looking out for number one. Without adopting such a self-centered value system, we can demand the best of ourselves while we are extending our hands to help others.”
Ben Carson

“There are many people who aren’t experiencing victory today because they are focused on yesterday.
Joyce Meyer

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. —Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner”
Martin Luther King Jr

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