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“attempt seeing Truth without knowing Falsehood. It is the attempt to see the Light without knowing Darkness. It cannot be.”
Frank Herbert

“We rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions we can control if we desire to control them.”
Napoleon Hill

“If God says I’m highly favored, then I will not talk myself out of it. I believe I’m highly favored. If God says the impossible can happen, then I believe the impossible will happen.”
Joel Osteen

“I am not who people say I am. I am who God says I am.”
Joel Osteen

“If you love Me, you will obey Me” (see John 14:21). To say “I love Jesus” and walk in disobedience is deception. Words are wonderful, but a full love walk must be much more than words.”
Joyce Meyer

“Once very near the end I said, 'If you can -- if it is allowed -- come to me when I too am on my death bed.' 'Allowed!' she said. 'Heaven would have a job to hold me; and as for Hell, I'd break it into bits.”
C.S. Lewis

“God is excited about your future, and I hope you are also. Don’t let the discouragement of the past steal the amazing future that is yours.”
Joyce Meyer

“The greatest roadblock to Satan’s work is the Christian who, above all else, lives for God, walks with integrity, is filled with the Spirit, and is obedient to God’s truth.”
Billy Graham

“I hope I do not offend God by making my Communions in the frame of mind I have been describing. The command, after all, was Take, eat: not Take, understand.”
C.S. Lewis

“It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Our creativity, our inner sense of right and wrong, our ability to love and to reason—all bear witness to the fact that God created us in His image. The Bible says God “has not left himself without testimony” [Acts 14:17 NIV].”
Billy Graham

“Only mass education, he used to say, would free my people, arguing that an educated man could not be oppressed because he could think for himself.”
Nelson Mandela

“No matter how explicit the pledge, people will turn and twist the text to suit their own purpose”
Mahatma Gandhi

“Not everyone who died had left a "memory" and not everyone who had left a memory had left a "blessed" one. Therefore, not all have died should be tagged "...of a blessed memory”
Israelmore Ayivor

“The story of Ivan Ilyich life was of the simplest, most ordinary and therefore most terrible". Tolstoy defines living an ordinary life as terrible - I really do have to agree!”
Leo Tolstoy

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