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“I have never studied the art of paying compliments to women; but I must say that if all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of women were applied to the women of America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during this war.”
Abraham Lincoln

“Because we have offered no provision for sons and daughters who fall, many of our Adams and our Eves are hiding in the bushes.”
T.D. Jakes

“When we hold secrets it creates shame, and shame is a great barrier to success because when you carry the shame you do not allow yourself to fulfill your greatest potential, you do not honour the truth of yourself, you do not honour what is your highest self. When you let go of the secret allows you to live to your full potential.”
Oprah Winfrey

“When you live in light of eternity, your values change. You use your time and money more wisely. You place a higher premium on relationships and character instead of fame or wealth or achievements or even fun. Your priorities are reordered. Keeping up with trends, fashions, and popular values just doesn’t matter as much anymore. Paul said, “I once thought all these things were so very important, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.”
Rick Warren

“We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. PSALM 78:4”
Joel Osteen

“The trick is not caring that it hurts.”
Barack Obama

“You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little.”
Napoleon Hill

“The Bible stands as the supreme Constitution for all mankind, its laws applying equally to all who live under its domain, without exception or special interpretation.”
Billy Graham

“It was my good fortune to be linked with Mme. Curie through twenty years of sublime and unclouded friendship. I came to admire her human grandeur to an ever growing degree. Her strength, her purity of will, her austerity toward herself, her objectivity, her incorruptible judgement— all these were of a kind seldom found joined in a single individual... The greatest scientific deed of her life—proving the existence of radioactive elements and isolating them—owes its accomplishment not merely to bold intuition but to a devotion and tenacity in execution under the most extreme hardships imaginable, such as the history of experimental science has not often witnessed.”
Albert Einstein

“The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.”
Albert Einstein

“Don't wait! The time will never be just right.
Napoleon Hill

“I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Philip is the only person in the Bible who was called an evangelist, and he was a deacon!”
Billy Graham

“There is, in addition to a courage with which men die; a courage by which men must live.”
John F. Kennedy

“What is the point of being on this Earth if you are going to be like everyone else?”
Arnold Schwarzenegger

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