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“I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man's milk and restorative cordial.”
Thomas Jefferson

“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done." All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.”
C.S. Lewis

“the proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence.”
Frank Herbert

“He did not need to be ordained, for the traditional religion of the Xhosas is characterized by a cosmic wholeness, so that there is little distinction between the sacred and the secular, between the natural and the supernatural.”
Nelson Mandela

“Well,' said Ransom, 'if it is a delusion, it's a pretty stubborn one.”
C.S. Lewis

“Mr. President: We, women political prisoners of the Soviet Union, congratulate you on your reelection to the spot of President of the USA. We look with hope to your country which is on the road of FREEDOM and respect for HUMAN RIGHTS. We wish you success on this road.”
Ronald Reagan

“Jesus invited us not to a picnic, but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic, but to a fight. He offered us not an excursion, but an execution.”
Billy Graham

“In infinite time, in infinite matter, in infinite space, is formed a bubble organism, and that bubble lasts a while and bursts, and that bubble is Me.”
Leo Tolstoy

“It does not require money, to live neat, clean and dignified..”
Mahatma Gandhi

“_اذا كانت المهمة صعبة أو مزعجة أو بغيضة فقم بإنجازها على الفور , كلما طال انتظارك قبل ان تبدأ في العمل على اتمامها زادت صعوبتها و مشقتها .. مثل الوقوف على الحافة المرتفعة من حوض السباحة لأول مرة , كلما طالت فترة انتظارك قبل اتخاذ القرار بالقفز , قلت احتمالات قيامك بالقفزة.”
Zig Ziglar

“God will not pour fresh, creative ideas and blessing into old attitudes.”
Joel Osteen

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance.”
Martin Luther King Jr

“Life is not fair get used to used to it”
Bill Gates

“Routine is the enemy of instinct......It's better to change and fail than to settle.”
T.D. Jakes

“J'étais tombé sur l'un des secrets les mieux gardés sur les Noirs: la plupart d'entre nous n'étaient pas intéressés par la révolte; la plupart d'entre nous étaient fatigués de penser tout le temps au problème racial; si nous préférions rester entre nous, c'était surtout parce que c'était le meilleur moyen d'arrêter d'y penser, que c'était plus facile que de passer notre temps en colère ou à essayer de deviner ce que les Blancs pensaient de nous.”
Barack Obama

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