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“I assert that the cosmic religious experience is the strongest and the noblest driving force behind scientific research.”
Albert Einstein

“When you live your own dream, you don’t have time to be a hater.”
T.D. Jakes

“When our dreams shatter and we feel helpless, that’s when we have to believe in God’s power and presence.”
Rick Warren

“Worldliness is an inner attitude that puts self at the center of life instead of God.”
Billy Graham

“until the theologians and the ordained clergy begin to communicate with ordinary people in the vernacular, in a way that they can understand, I’m going to have to do this sort of thing.”
C.S. Lewis

“Self-conceit is a sentiment entirely incompatible with genuine sorrow, and it is so firmly engrafted on human nature that even the most profound sorrow can seldom expel it altogether. Vanity in sorrow expresses itself by a desire to appear either stricken with grief or unhappy or brave: and this ignoble desire which we do not acknowledge but which hardly ever leaves us even in the deepest trouble robs our grief of its strength, dignity and sincerity.”
Leo Tolstoy

“the moment you stop learning, you stop leading.”
Rick Warren

“Maturity is the ability to see and act on behalf of others. Immature people don’t see things from someone else’s point of view. They rarely concern themselves with what’s best for others. In many ways, they act like small children.”
John C. Maxwell

“The more God gives you, the more responsible he expects you to be.”
Rick Warren

“If you know Christ, you don’t need to beg for the Holy Spirit to come into your life; He is already there—whether you “feel” His presence or not. Don’t confuse the Holy Spirit with an emotional feeling or a particular type of spiritual experience.”
Billy Graham

“One company can serve some of your needs all of the time, or all of your needs some of the time, but never both.”
Abraham Lincoln

“Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.”
Billy Graham

“For example, when the preacher in a service tells the audience to open to a certain passage of Scripture, we love to open our Bible and be proud of how we have it marked up in all different colors. We may have Scriptures underlined, with handwritten notes beside them. We secretly hope the people around us will notice and think well of us because we appear to have studied quite a lot. We want people to think we are spiritual, but we must realize that God is not impressed with how many Scriptures we have underlined.
Joyce Meyer

“Don’t forget: Without fuel, a fire grows cold—and without the “fuel” of the Bible, prayer, and Christian fellowship, our faith grows cold.”
Billy Graham

“The Bible says, “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance”
Rick Warren

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