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General Quotes

“Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”
Ronald Reagan

“Enroll your body, soul and spirit and engage your time to do what you know best. Dedicate yourself to the work at hand and you will be rewarded by the fruits you will bear!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“You can’t wake up one day and suddenly become a leader. You first discover that specific thing God created you for, develop it into something specific that the world will need, and then you have already leading started leading.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“I killed the wife when I first tasted sensual joys without love, and then it was that I killed my wife.”
Leo Tolstoy

“If we are to put an end to division, people from all political persuasions will have to stop fighting one another and seek true unity, not just a consensus that benefits one party.”
Ben Carson

“for everyone of us that succeeds, its because there's somebody there to show you the way out”
Oprah Winfrey

“Paul sat back. He had used the questions and hyperawareness to do what his mother called “registering” the person. He had Kynes now—tone of voice, each detail of face and gesture.”
Frank Herbert

“For the person trying to do everything alone, the game really is over. If you want to do something big, you must link up with others. One is too small a number to achieve greatness. That’s the Law of Significance.”
John C. Maxwell

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” —Saint Francis of Assisi”
Joyce Meyer

“Henri Nouwen said, “In order to be of service to others we have to die to them; that is, we have to give up measuring our meaning and value with the yardstick of others…. thus we become free to be compassionate.” When you base your worth and identity on your relationship to Christ, you are freed from the expectations of others, and that allows you to really serve them best.”
Rick Warren

“A woman named Helen Keller fought her way through long, silent darkness. Though she could not see or hear, she taught us to look at and listen to each other. Never waiting for life to get easier, she gave others courage to face their challenges.”
Barack Obama

“How can cosmic religious feeling be communicated from one person to another, if it can give rise to no definite notion of a God and no theology? In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it.”
Albert Einstein

“Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.”
Zig Ziglar

“To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.”
Albert Einstein

“Wise men, when in doubt whether to speak or to keep quiet, give themselves the benefit of the doubt, and remain silent.”
Napoleon Hill

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