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“Les tengo buenas noticias: Usted no se tiene que mantener a la par de nadie. Usted puede correr su propia carrera y ser un individuo. Dios le ha dado la gracia para hacer lo que Él le ha llamado a hacer y no le ha dado la gracia para hacer lo que todos los demás están haciendo. Usted no tiene que ser la mejor mamá del mundo, sólo sea la”
Joel Osteen

“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
Frank Herbert

“Jesus worked all His life. But the greatest work that Jesus did was not in the carpenter’s shop . . .His greatest work was achieved in those three dark hours on Calvary . . . dying for us.”
Billy Graham

“IRISH BLESSING   And may I conclude with a little Irish blessing – although, some suggest it’s a curse: May those who love us, love us. And those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts. And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we’ll know them by their limping. Speech on Administrative Goals to Senior Presidential Appointees, September 8, 1987”
Ronald Reagan

“Leaders believe that falling is not failing, but refusal to rise up after falling is the real form of failure!”
Israelmore Ayivor

“Every problem is a character-building opportunity, and the more difficult it is, the greater the potential for building spiritual muscle and moral fiber. Paul said, “We know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character.”
Rick Warren

“No one is satisfied with his fortune,and everyone is satisfied with his wit.”
Leo Tolstoy

“accident or design, discovered ways and means of stimulating themselves to a high state of enthusiasm.   Associate that which has been here stated with what was said concerning the law of the "Master Mind," in the Introductory Lesson, and you will have an entirely new conception of the modus operandi through which that law may be applied. You will also have a somewhat different understanding of the real purpose of "allied effort, in a spirit of perfect harmony," which constitutes the best known method of bringing”
Napoleon Hill

“But if we want God’s peace and joy, we can’t waste our time trying to be people-pleasers.” 
Joyce Meyer

“Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.”
Thomas A. Edison

“What woman would not appreciate a God who becomes her attorney, assumes her case, requires no fee, and wins her the victory?”
T.D. Jakes

“I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manfuacturer’s lobby.”
Barack Obama

“We must have a virile, dynamic, aggressive Christian who lives Christ seven days a week, who is ready to die, if necessary, for his faith.”
Billy Graham

“You have to come to your closed doors before you’ll ever get to your open doors.”
Joel Osteen

“Make the right decision even when nobody is looking. Especially when no one is looking.”
Oprah Winfrey

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