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“I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.”
Thomas Jefferson

“The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”
Martin Luther King Jr

“Μια από τις κύριες αδυναμίες της ανθρωπότητας εντοπίζεται στην εξοικείωση του μέσου ανθρώπου με τη λέξη "αδύνατον". Ο άνθρωπος γνωρίζει συνήθως όλους του κανόνες που δεν είναι αποτελεσματικοί. Γνωρίζει όλα αυτά που δεν μπορεί να κάνει.”
Napoleon Hill

“Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?" Annie Dillard, "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek”
George Washington

“The essential quality of living life lies simply in the living.”
Bruce Lee

“It be urged that the wild and uncultivated tree, hitherto yielding sour and bitter fruit only, can never be made to yield better; yet we know that the grafting art implants a new tree on the savage stock, producing what is most estimable in kind and degree. Education, in like manner, engrafts a new man on the native stock, and improves what in his nature was vicious and perverse into qualities of virtue and social worth.”
Thomas Jefferson

“If you fall into a pit, you need a ladder, not a hoe. You must climb up and not dig up. Leaders discover the right way out of limitations.”
Israelmore Ayivor

“I am not concerned that you have fallen -- I am concerned that you arise.”
Abraham Lincoln

“there are five nonnegotiable characteristics that every effective leader must have: a sense of calling, an ability to communicate, creativity in problem solving, generosity, and consistency.”
John C. Maxwell

“There is no god higher than truth.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“God has never made a person he didn’t love. Everybody matters to him.”
Rick Warren

“I don't fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks but the man who has practiced 1 kick 10,000 times!”
Bruce Lee

“Blessed are those who endure when they are tested. When they pass the test, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
Rick Warren

“We must be ever courteous and patient with those who do not see eye to eye with us. We must resolutely refuse to consider our opponents as enemies.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“[T]he Christian is unable to sin and not care ... They may sin, but they cannot do so comfortably and continually. They are very much aware of their wrong actions, and they are very miserable.” 
Joyce Meyer

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